...visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bunny (I never knew there were two!!) Edyn wasn't so fond of the Easter Bunnies :)
...being in an Easter parade in Cuba while visiting my parents (we think they stole the show...we are a little biased, I know!)...
...coloring Easter Eggs...
...going on Easter Egg Hunts...
...and the most important memory that we pray stays with them forever is getting to play with the resurrection eggs...These are awesome and tell the story of Jesus so perfectly for their little minds :)
Into each egg place the item and scripture reference written on a small piece of paper.
Egg #1:
Message -- Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm branches.
Passage -- Matthew 21:1-11
Item -- Piece of palm branch. Another option for those of you with extra leggo parts or plastic novelty beads would be to place a small plastic leaf in the egg
Egg #2:
Message -- Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet.
Passage -- John 12:2-8
Item -- Small perfume sample or cloth with perfume or a piece of cotton with cologne on it
Egg #3:
Message -- Jesus shared the Last Supper with His disciples.
Passage -- Matthew 26:17-19
Item – a piece of Chex cereal; or take clay and make a small bread-like shape
Egg #4:
Message -- Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Passage -- Matthew 27:3
Item -- 3 dimes or plastic “silver” money
Egg #5:
Message -- Jesus carried His own cross.
Passage -- John 19:17
Item – toothpicks or Popsicle stick cut and glued in a cross form; or, a small plastic cross from a Christmas ornament or necklace.
Egg #6:
Message -- Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus' head.
Passage -- John 19:2
Item -- Small thorny branch, or a large thorn all by itself.
Egg #7:
Message -- Soldiers parted Jesus' garments and cast lots for His coat.
Passage -- John 19:23
Item -- Swatch of burlap and a nail. I’ve also seen miniature dice used for this one.
Egg #8:
Message -- Jesus was nailed to a cross and pierced in His side.
Passage -- John 19:18,37 & John 20:25-29
Item -- A nail
Egg #9:
Message -- They gave Jesus vinegar mixed with gall on a sponge to drink.
Passage -- Matthew 27:34
Item -- A small sponge
Egg #10:
Message -- Spices to prepare Jesus for burial.
Passage -- John 19:40
Item -- 7 or 8 whole cloves, or other whole spices
Egg #11:
Message -- The stone covering Jesus' tomb was rolled away.
Passage -- John 20:1
Item -- A small rock
Egg #12:
Message -- The napkin around Jesus' head was lying separately from His linen clothers. He was not there. He has risen!
Passage -- John 20:6-7
Item -- A scrap of linen-type fabric
The girls took turns opening the eggs (well, that was the idea...a lot of times, they just fought over who got to open the eggs) and telling the story of Jesus (the days that led up to the crucifixion and resurrection.
We are letting the girls play with them all year long...and trying to reinforce to them that it is ALWAYS important to know and share the story of Jesus.
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