Sunday, September 2, 2012

Golf 2012

May is always such a BUSY month. **sigh** High school regional and state golf have been just a few of our activities in the past few years. The Chieftans had an awesome year and won the League and Regional Tournaments and Jared was such a proud head coach. They came in 2nd at the state tourney by one stroke (but we don't mention that. ever.) The "golfing boys" came over multiple times during the season for breakfast and "team building" which turned into some wrestling on the trampoline, the girls being chased and of course, the girls teasing the boys. Much to daddy's dismay, the girls got pretty excited and giddy. Toward the end of the season, the girls all had "boyfriends". Eva is pictured with Tyler, the one she gravitated to. But the girls warned her, "Now Eva, you just need to know that Tyler MIGHT be already married by the time you are old enough to get married, ok?"

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